The end of the Liturgical year brings into focus the last things in relation to death, the second coming, judgment, and hell. The ending of time! Indeed, mankind lives in between the present reality and the anticipated end of the ages. This anticipation is marked either by anxiety and fear regarding our individual destiny while for others the anticipation is filled with hope regarding the fulfillment of God’s promise regarding the destiny of the righteous. Luke invites us to remain mindful of the end, but, in so doing, to avoid the fear and anxiety that is ultimately meaningless.
The Gospel of Luke, chapters 9- 20, had us journeying with Jesus as He resolutely proceeded toward Jerusalem. During this journey the Gospel writer had us listening to instructions from Jesus that informed us of the values, qualities and requirements of the true disciple who, as pilgrim, must resolutely proceed toward the heavenly Jerusalem.
The Gospel of Luke also relates the account of Jesus, who, having arrived in Jerusalem, enters a discussion by His disciples about the magnificence of the Temple. Jesus interjects that the destruction of the temple would take place in the not too distant future. However, Jesus went on to clarify that the destruction of the Temple would have nothing to do with prophesy about the end of the ages. This clarification is a corrective for the association persons, then and in future, make regarding various events and signs as indications that the end of time is near. The implication is that the end of time and these events, which are bound to happen, are basically unrelated and separate occurrences. Hence, any wish that there will be signs and portents to warn us of the end must be put aside. It is a wicked and faithless generation that is eager for a sign…, Jesus remarks in Mt. 12: 39 and Mt. 16:4. St. Augustine also suggests, it is the faithless person, the person who loves their sin more than the Lord who will live in fear and anxiety for portent to warn of the end.
Luke 21:5-19 says, "And when you hear of wars and revolutions, do not be terrified, for this is something that must happen first, but the end will not come at once." Then he said to them, "Nations will fight against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes and plagues and famines in various places; there will be terrifying events and great signs from heaven." But he said, ‘Take care not to be deceived… Your perseverance will win you your lives.’
So what should Christians do awaiting the end of time? For sure, the fear and anxiety of the faithless cannot be a personal characteristic preoccupation of the faithful. For what sort of love of Christ is it to fear His coming says Augustine. Therefore, be vigilant, stand your ground so that your hearts will not be coarsened by debauchery and drunkenness and the cares of life (Luke 21:34).
Faithful and active witness is the Christian’s obligation in every age and at every time. For the Jamaican context, the current requirement is for a dispassionate observation and response to current happenings in our country. It does not require prophetic prediction that our nation is on a morally destructive course. There is a prevalent looseness regarding sexual morality and the painful disrespect for life. One too many persons from every walk of life are pursuing self interest and apparent self deception bent on hopeless deception of the populace. In too many instances, truth and integrity are being sacrificed on the altar of expediency. In the legal realm, the value of procedure is being undermined as it is tossed about by proponents and defense not to seek justice and truth but used for power play and one-upmanship. In the wider society, personal loyalties unashamedly see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, by the deafening silence in some quarters, or ridiculous defensive arguments in other quarters.Mindful of the end of time, knowing that the Lord will come in glory, that He will judge the world with justice and his people with truth, that He will reward each according to his deeds... let persons of faith live not in fear and anxiety for a sign for how and when to exercise faith; but looking resolutely to the heavenly Jerusalem, embody the values and qualities of the true disciple, obedient to Jesus who is the way, the truth, and the life, and stand your ground in right living! He who has ears to hear let them hear!
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