Thursday, October 28, 2010

Message from Monsignor Ken, Rector, Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kingston, Jamaica -- Reflections on Mission Sunday

Participation Necessary for Mission

By Msgr. Kenneth D. Richards

The celebration of mission Sunday is the occasion for each Catholic to commit/recommit to participation in the Church’s apostolate of proclaiming the Gospel to all peoples. This commitment or recommitment must be the response to the charge Jesus gives to His disciples: “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations. Baptize them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to fulfill all I have commanded you. I am with you always until the end of this world" (Mt. 28: 19-20).

Mission is most effective when all members of the Church are involved in witnessing to the Gospel in all aspects of their lives. Therefore, each of us must nurture personal zeal to participate in the mission of the Church by renewing/ deepening our union with Jesus Christ through personal prayer that inflames our love for Him.

In addition, united action, necessary for effective mission activity, must be assured by nurturing faith in the real presence of Christ when celebrating the Eucharist. From these two actions we will be equipped to fulfill and make effective the proclamation of the Gospel to all people.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Introducing the Friends of the Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kingston, Jamaica

On Sunday 24 October 2010, the "Friends of the Holy Trinity Cathedral" was launched.

The Holy Trinity Cathedral is more than “just” a church. Yes, it is the principal place of worship for Kingston’s Roman Catholic community, but the building itself is a unique artistic, historical and cultural monument and is one of Jamaica’s most important landmarks.

The restoration of the Cathedral, in particular the removal of the layers of gray paint that had covered the amazing frescoes for nearly 40 years, requires the support of all Jamaicans to see it through to its completion. Once the Cathedral has been fully restored, it will require ongoing support from the broader community to maintain the edifice and the artwork, and to see to the continued development of the site so that it fulfills its potential as a premier locale for Jamaicans and for visitors to our island to experience it and learn about it.

The “Friends of the Holy Trinity Cathedral” has been established to engender this support for the Cathedral, not only among Roman Catholics, but among all Jamaicans and friends of Jamaica, whether on or off the island.

In general, “friends” of museums and other such public institutions such as heritage sites like the Holy Trinity Cathedral, are those who contribute in any way to the support of the museum or site, to its development and to its public presence and influence.

“Friends” act on a voluntary and non-remunerative basis. Their support is moral, financial or consists of voluntary work or expertise. Friends and volunteers of a museum institution undertake to support it and its activities with generosity and enthusiasm. Friends and volunteers expect no benefit, financial, or other, save the satisfaction of contributing to the maintenance and development of the institution to which they belong and to the satisfaction of the public which it serves.

The “Friends of the Holy Trinity Cathedral” aims to bring together supporters and volunteers of the Cathedral and structure their activities in an open manner and in a spirit of co-operation with the parent institution, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Kingston, and with the Jamaica National Heritage Trust.

If you are interested in being a part of the completion of the Cathedral’s restoration, of the maintenance of the spectacular and unique artistic, historical and cultural treasure that it represents, and the development of the site into one of Kingston’s premier cultural sites, we invite you to become a Friend of the Holy Trinity Cathedral.

What would be expected of you as a Friend of the Holy Trinity Cathedral?

Be counted as a friend and supporter of the Cathedral.

Spread the word about the Cathedral and its marvels to your family, friends and acquaintances. Encourage them to visit, to attend mass there, to view the website, and to also support the Cathedral.

Subscribe to the blog to keep informed about the restoration efforts and the general life of the Cathedral.

Join the Facebook group.

Offer yourself, your skills and your services in any way that you deem helpful to the Cathedral.

The conveners of the Friends group are (from left to right) Karin Wilson-Edmonds, Diana Thorburn, Carolyn Terrier and Enith Williams.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Message from Monsignor Ken, Rector, Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kingston, Jamaica -- Thanksgiving Sunday, marking the beginning of Heritage Week 2010

Thought from the celebration of Thanksgiving Sunday marking the beginning of Heritage Week 2010.

Belief and Mutual Respect
As a Christian, the One Whom we believe in and what we believe in is fundamental for our world view and vision. In other words, the nature of our belief forms our "raison d'ĂȘtre" ... the motivation for our choices and actions.
One element of Christian belief is that God who is Love, created us in His own image with love, to be loved and to love. This fact marks the dignity of each individual. The value of the individual is further highlighted by the action of God who through His Son, Jesus Christ, dwelt in our human nature and condition ... suffered grievously, died and rose again to restore human dignity that was overshadowed by sin.

Hence, the act of creation and our redemption mark the high value with which God holds humankind and therefore the regard we should have of self and others.

Acknowledging this fact must establish the personal regard we ought to have of self and others such that we facilitate conditions for human respect and advancement.

We can surmise that the above understanding of human dignity permeated the choice, action and sacrifice of our National Heroes and Heroine. Let us embody this understanding to enlighten our personal commitment to making respect for each person underlie our every choice and action. In this way Jamaicans may under God increase in beauty, fellowship and understanding; leading us to play our part in advancing the human dignity of the whole human race.

Msgr. Kenneth D. Richards
Vicar General
Rector Holy Trinity Cathedral.

Friday, October 22, 2010

From the Deacon's Desk: Parish Bulletin for 17-23 October 2010 - Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kingston Jamaica

Holy Trinity Cathedral Parish Announcements for 17th October 2010

1. Next Sunday October 24 will be Women’s Sunday

2. All members of the Holy Trinity Parish are reminded to fill out the Census Forms

and return them to the Ushers. Members who did not receive Census Forms are

asked to collect them from the Ushers.

3. Sunday school immediately after Mass.

4. St. Michael’s Theological College Course Module Offerings for 2010-2011 are now

available; persons can view the various workshops, and courses offered on the Notice Board.

5. The new Public Address (P.A.) system has been installed in the Cathedral.

Contributions from members are still needed to assist with the repayment of the

loan that was obtained to purchase it. The cost for the system remains at


Catholic Radio to be broadcast on Roots FM

The Archdiocese of Kingston is pleased to announce that Catholic Radio will commence broadcasting on Roots Fm 96.1 megahertz as of Tuesday November 2. The schedule is:

Every Tuesday 8:30 to 9:00 p.m.

Every 1st, 2nd & 3rd. Wednesday 8:30-9:00 p.m.

Every Thursdays 8:30-9:00 p.m.

Every Sunday 8:00-9:00 p.m.

We encourage all to listen to the inspiring programmes designed to strengthen our Catholic faith and we invite persons who may wish to contribute their time, talent and treasure to contact the Chancery at 927-9915 for further details.

20th anniversary of the Catholic Student Movement - Celebratory Mass
  • There will be a mass on October 31 at the University Chapel, UWI, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Catholic Student Movement. Graduates of the University of Technology and University of the West Indies are invited. Mass commences at 9:15 am.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Germans are here

The repair of Holy Trinity Cathedral's magnificent pipe organ is underway. The Cathedral's organ is one of the largest in the English speaking Caribbean, and according to master organist Dwight McBean, the best sounding.

A team of three experts from Orgelbau Klais organ company of Germany is here to undertake this daunting task.Pictured here is Martin Kauert and Frank Foster. They were recently joined by Thomas Heymann, who will recondition the facade of the pipes.

We are all excited about this latest step in the restoration process.
The team will be in Jamaica for 2.5 months. The first contingent arrived in mid-September and were joined by a third man in mid-October.

The goal is to have the organ ready for Christmas, and a magnificent Christmas carol concert is in the planning. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kingston, Jamaica featured in the Jamaica Observer

The project to restore the magnificent Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kingston, Jamaica, to its glory as the foremost architectural and artistic jewel of the island, was featured in Jamaica's Sunday Observer newspaper 17 October 2010.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kingston, Jamaica says farewell to Ambassador Silva

The Holy Trinity Cathedral bid farewell to Jesus Silva, former ambassador of Spain to Jamaica, shortly before he departed for his new posting in Panama. His Excellency, Ambassador Jesus Silva with Monsignor Kenneth Richards, Rector of the Holy Trinity Cathedral

It was Ambassador Silva who made the initial contact with the Spanish restoration expert, Professor Barriga, and his team. Ambassador Silva also secured financial support for the restoration project through his own government.

Ambassador Silva was very active not only in the diplomatic community in Jamaica, but in the country's cultural and artistic "scene", and his contribution to the marvelous restoration of the Cathedral is seen by many as his most significant legacy.
From left: Lynn May Lowe, Chair of the Fundraising Committee, Monsignor Kenneth Richards, Rector of the Holy Trinity Cathedral, Archbishop of Kingston, Most Rev. Donald Reece, His Excellency Ambassador Jesus Silva, Thalia Lyn, Chair of the NCB Foundation.

The Holy Trinity Cathedral, and Jamaica, will forever hold Jesus Silva in our hearts.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kingston, has a new PA system!

Come to mass this Sunday (8,30am) and hear the marvelous sound with the new PA system!