Thursday, December 9, 2010

Postcards of beautiful Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kingston, Jamaica for sale

The Holy Trinity Cathedral has post cards for sale. They feature beautifully reproduced images of the Cathedral's interior and details of the frescoes. The postcards cost $150 each, and $500 for a pack containing four cards.

They can be obtained from Ms. Lucy Chang, Mrs. Sonia Campbell and Mr. Henry Tomlinson or from the rectory office.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

From the Deacon's Desk: Parish Bulletin for 5 December 2010 - Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kingston Jamaica

1. Next Sunday (12 December 2010) will be Youth Sunday.

2. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion will meet after Mass

3. The Feast of the Immaculate Conception will be held on Wednesday, December

8, 2010 - special recognition will be given to couples who are celebrating their

25th and 50th Wedding Anniversary this year. This will take place at the

6.00 p.m. Mass at Stella Maris Church.

4. Feast Day of our Lady of Guadeloupe will be held on Saturday 11th December at

the Cathedral commencing at 4:00 p.m.

5. Penance Service will be on Wednesday, 15th December at 5:30 p.m.

6. On December 19 the People of Praise will be having a service at the Cathedral

commencing at 5:00 p.m. All are invited to attend. Monsignor Ken will provide

further information at a later date.

7. The Christmas Tree lighting and a melody of Christmas Carols will be on

Christmas Eve 24th December commencing at 7:00 p.m. with Mass starting at

9:00 p.m. Light refreshments will be served after Mass.

8. Christmas Day Mass will be at 7:00 a.m.

9. On Boxing Day Sunday 26th December, will be Holy Family Sunday. There

will be Baptism and renewal of vows at 8:30 a.m. mass

10. Carol service will be held on New Year’s Eve commencing at 10:00 p.m. which

will be followed by Mass starting at 10:30 p.m. Confessions will be heard

between 9:30 to 10:30 p.m.

11. New Years Day will be celebrated as the Holy Day of Obligation, and Mass will

commence at 9:00 a.m.

12. The youths of the Parish will now be having Praise and Worship at 8:00 a.m.

every Sunday before Mass. Members of the congregation who are present are

encouraged to participate and support the youths.

13. Persons enrolled in Sagicor Life Churchmate Plan are reminded that renewal

payment becomes due Jan 2011. The annual premium remains at $2,000.00. Please start saving so that we can meet the deadline of Jan 31, 2011. New applicants are welcome. For further information please contact Ms. Lucy Chang.

14. The Holy Trinity Cathedral has post cards for sale. The costs are $150 each, and $500 for a pack containing four cards. They can be obtained from Ms. Lucy Chang, Mrs. Sonia Campbell and Mr. Henry Tomlinson.

15. Formation for ministry for Parish Worship will begin in January 2011 for the

following Liturgical Ministries.

· Leaders of Parish Communion Services

· Leaders of Parish Liturgies of the Word

· Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

· Lectors

· Ushers

· Sacristans

· Cantors & Music Ministers

· Liturgical Committee Members

Cost: $5000.00 Registration: $500 (includes handouts)

The flyer will be posted on the Bulletin Board with detailed information.

16. There will be an Ecumenical Service at the Cathedral for all denominations on

Sunday January 16, 2011 beginning at 5:00 p.m. All are invited to attend.

Monsignor Ken will provide further information at a later date.

17. The Cathedral's 100th. Anniversary Mass will be held on Sunday February 6th

commencing at 3:00 p.m. There will be NO Mass at 8:30 a.m.

18. All are reminded that Catholic Radio is now broadcasting on Roots FM on 96.1

megahertz at the following times:

Tuesday to Thursday (except fourth Wednesday) - 8:30-9:00 p.m. and

Sundays 8:00-9:00 p.m. The programmes are both educating and inspiring.

In addition they expand our knowledge of our Catholic faith. We look forward to

your comments as we continuously strive to improve our programmes.

19. Sunday school and RCIA immediately after Mass.

20. Liturgical Calendars are available at a cost of $250 each.

21. The new Public Address (P.A.) system has been installed in the Cathedral.

Contributions from members are still needed to assist with the repayment of the

loan that was obtained to purchase it. The cost for the system remains at


NB. Announcements are posted on the Bulletin Board.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Rededication of the Holy Trinity Cathedral 6 Feb 2011


Rededication of the Holy Trinity Cathedral

1-3 George Headley Drive, Kingston 4

On the Occasion of its

One Hundredth Anniversary

February 6, 2011

At 3:30 PM


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Message from Monsignor Ken, Rector, Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kingston, Jamaica -- ADVENT: Time of preparation…Listen to the Word!

During the Advent Season, the church invites us to look forward, in two ways, to the coming of Christ with great expectation.

In one way, we are to recall that we must be vigilant, watching and waiting in prayer, the Lord’s return in glory, the end of time. He will claim as His own, those who have lived faithful lives according to His words. Those who have been unfaithful will be treated accordingly.

In the other way, we are to reenter the experience of the people who awaited the fulfillment of prophecy, the appearance of the Messiah that took place two thousand and ten years ago. This experience comes alive for us during the fourth week of Advent and the celebration of the Christmas Season.

Our expectation for both encounters requires a particular kind of preparation. This preparation must be inspired by the very Word of God…attentive listening to the Word of God.

- Listen with your ears, the proclamation and explanation of the Word.

- Listen with your eye, as you read the Scripture and by your attentiveness to the wonders of creation.

- Listen with your heart, as the Spirit of God speaks within you, giving understanding to what you have heard and seen.

In listening we must seek the Divine Revelation…what are you saying to me Lord…and how can your will for me be accomplished? Our acceptance of God’s will, avails us the assistance of the Holy Spirit. Hence, like Mary the Mother of our Lord, we must commit to doing God’s will: I am the servant of the Lord, let your will be done (Luke 1:38).

I wish for you a blessed Advent Preparation of conversion and growth!

Msgr. Kenneth D. Richards

Friday, December 3, 2010

Weddings at the Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kingston, Jamaica

Are you interested in getting married at the beautiful Holy Trinity Cathedral, in Kingston, Jamaica? Are you considering having your wedding at the landmark Roman Catholic church in Jamaica, one of the oldest churches on the island, and the only church with interior frescoes comparable to any church in Europe or Latin America?

Here is some information that you might find useful if you are considering a wedding at the Holy Trinity Cathedral of Kingston.

For a wedding to take place in the Cathedral the couple has to give at least six (6) months' notice before the intended date for the wedding. This period facilitates a period of preparations inclusive of the following:

Counseling Sessions

- To establish the freedom of the couple to marry (whether they have been married before and current status, etc)

- To understand the nature and rights of marriage (as a sacrament, the obligations etc)

- To complete Civil Forms of intention to get married, and for the posting of Banns (notice) of marriage.

- To complete Church Forms

They will be required to attend one of the Pre-cana Conferences (a conference for engaged couples. You can find out more about these from your priest.) The dates for 2011 are:

- March 10 – 13

- June 9 – 12

- September 8 – 11

- November 24 - 27


Is there a charge to get married at the Cathedral?

- Yes, this can be discussed as the arrangements are being made.

Do I have to be Roman Catholic to be married at the Holy Trinity Cathedral?

- One person has to be a Roman Catholic (bride or groom)

Can a priest of my choice perform my wedding ceremony?

- Yes, once it’s a Roman Catholic priest.

My betrothed and I completed Pre-cana at my home church, not in Jamaica, but we would like to get married in Jamaica at the Holy Trinity Cathedral. Is this possible?

- Yes, once you have the certificate that shows you have completed Pre-cana.

If you are interested in getting married at the Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kingston, Jamaica, please contact Omella Mattis 922 3335 or 948 5699 or email